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Dodging Winter Setbacks

Blog Update from Running Ambassador Sarah Monte

I am supposed to be writing about the challenges of running in the cold weather of winter, but this month cold weather hasn’t really been an issue. The challenges have been severe rain storms, unseasonably hot weather, the threat of allergies, running after work and getting chased by loose dogs. Let me explain how I’ve adapted to these difficulties!

The weather here lately in Tennessee has been unseasonably warm and very rainy. I have done a few runs in the rain, but longer runs in the rain aren’t fun with wet shoes and chafing clothing. The warm weather has also been a challenge. When you are used to training in seasonably cold weather and it hits 80 degrees, your body is not ready for it. I ventured out on a long run and was bright red and dehydrated by the time I finished. I wasn’t prepared for the heat and should have brought a fuel and water belt.

Today, I did a 6 mile hill run and was surprised to see blooming trees and flowers!

This brings me to another challenge that I face as a runner… allergies! I have suffered from itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, and an itchy, scratchy throat. Last year I tried a steroid nasal spray with an oral antihistamine and eye drops and it worked pretty well. This year I’ve been told to start the eye drops and nasal spray weeks before the season starts. I am going to start to take these now to hopefully alleviate debilitating symptoms down the road.

Yet another unforeseen challenge of this year’s training has been my new job. I love my job, however I have a long commute and to avoid spending hours in traffic I leave for work at 4:45 AM. I am a morning runner so this has been a problem. I’ve been learning about some great trails on my way home from work, so I’ll definitely be bringing my gear with me to stop for a run on my way home.

Additionally I have been putting my running clothes out the night before so that when I get home I feel as if I have no other option but to run.

Another inspiration to run when I get home is the eager look from my canine running buddy. I’ve been doing my warm ups and short runs with my dog, Callie. She is full of energy and I’m so happy I spent the time with her as a pup to train her. I run with a waist leash that has a bungee attachment in case she lunges at something and I ALWAYS carry a treat bag. One problem we have encountered is people letting their dogs run loose. You would think by looking at my dog that we would be well protected. Callie is not interested in conflict and will literally hide behind me if a dog is coming at us aggressively. I have started carrying pepper spray in a small waist belt for these occasions. It also makes me feel much safer running alone.

There are many excuses as to why we can’t run, but life’s so much better when we find solutions and keep lacing up!